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Call for NAI Conference Planning Committee

NAI 2025 — Virginia Beach, Virginia

November 10–15, 2025

NAI National Conference

Are you innovative, creative, and passionate about interpretation? Do you want to experience the National Conference from behind the scenes and influence the conference overall?

Then you should apply to be on the planning committee for next year!

We envision a committee that is representative of the interpretive community at large. We encourage all ages, all abilities, members of the BIPOC communities and all types of interpreters to apply! For most positions, no prior event or conference experience is necessary, although it is a plus if you have attended any large scale conference as an attendee. Also, Please note: in-person attendance during the duration of the conference is required.

Planning Committee Chairs shall be selected based on the following criteria:

  • NAI member*
  • Creative with a passion to try new ideas
  • Exhibits meaningful understanding of, and action-based ideas for JEDAI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Accessibility and Inclusion) practices 
  • Enthusiastic team member who is comfortable working with a remote-based planning team
  • Demonstrates support from their employer for work release time, as needed
  • Committed to attending all (or most) of all planning meetings, as well as committed to attending the conference in-person

*all conference committee chairs and team members must be NAI members for the duration of their committee tenure.

All positions listed below work at the sole discretion of the NAI Events Manager.

Apply to be on the 2025 Conference Committee


Overall Conference Chair (The Servant Leader/ Enforcer!)

  • Is required to be local to the host city location with deep connections to the local interpretation field 
  • Must have the ability to visit various sites in-person should the need arise for planning purposes
  • Works directly under the supervision of the NAI Events Manager on all major decisions
  • Develops agendas for conference calls, prepares minutes or follow up emails with action items after each committee meeting  
  • Ensures that committee members meet their project deadlines, assisting them when needed
  • Helps NAI Events Manager and fellow Chairs with the execution of their projects on-site during conference

Program Chair (The Content Curator!)

  • Can be held by someone living outside of the host city
  • Must have extensive knowledge of interpretation required, and must have a pulse on the interpretive industry as a whole  (What are the latest hot topics, who is doing incredibly innovative programming, etc.)  
  • Handles the peer review process of presentation proposals, including soliciting a diverse team of blind peer-reviewers and ensuring all reviews are completed on time
  • Assists NAI Event Manager in building the complex concurrent session program schedule
  • Participates in review of off-site session proposals and evaluates proposals for programmatic considerations
  • Provides assistance with the Award Gala program
  • Assists NAI Event Manager with presenter support, attending presenter informational meetings, assisting with presenter in-person needs at the conference, and being available to answer presenter questions
  • Previous attendance at a NAI National Conference, Regional Workshop and/or other outside affiliated conferences is a plus


Volunteer Chair (The VolunTeller!)

  • Can be held by someone living outside of the host city
  • Requires prior management of volunteers or a large team 
  • Works with the NAI Event Manager to determine volunteer needs and rework volunteer job descriptions, as needed
  • Leads volunteer communication efforts including registration questions, confirmation of assignments and host online meetings with volunteers such as Initial Kick off and Before We Go meetings
  • Creates a Plan B for volunteers who cannot perform their duties due to flight delays, sickness etc.
  • Serves as go-to point person for volunteers on-site and coordinates volunteers in-person at the conference, including hosting a general training meeting
  • Hosts a follow-up debrief meeting with volunteers post conference 

Local Arrangements Chair (The Negotiator & Site Scavenger!)

  • Is required to be local to the host city location with a long relationship to the city and surrounding area
  • Researches sites and organizations in the location of the conference for appeal and programmatic potential for off-site educational field trips
  • Negotiates admission fees and other “add-ons” to ensure the best value to conference attendees
  • Coordinates the general programming of the off-site sessions including writing descriptions and summaries of the activities, confirming with hosts and guides, troubleshooting potential issues and ensuring the off-site session content is in alignment with the overall conference goals 
  • Researches and identifies local providers for transportation, off-site catering, etc.

Community Outreach Chair (The Social Butterfly!)

  • Can be held by someone living outside of the host city, but preference will be given to someone who is within 3 hours driving to the host city
  • Develops a list of organizations in the region that would be interested in our conference and in NAI (schools, natural resource and conservation organizations, museums, historical societies, etc., as well as getting creative and finding community calendars, special interest groups in the area, etc.)
  • Reaches out to those organizations, introducing NAI and the conference as an opportunity for meaningful engagement and partnership.
  • Helps create a list of potential sponsors & exhibitors for the NAI Corporate Engagement Manager
  • Assists NAI Corporate Engagement Manager to solicit in-kind contributions of materials and services which may enhance the conference experience
  • Assists NAI Corporate Engagement Manager on-site to ensures exhibitors’ needs are met in the Exhibit Hall

All Chairs will be required to:

  • Attend the in-person conference
  • Hold a current NAI membership for the duration of your time on the committee
  • Have access to reliable internet and ability to use Google Drive and Zoom platforms
  • Attend at least 1 InterpTalk during their tenure
  • Engage in a meaningful way on the Interpreter’s Network Conference Forum
  • Have a positive attitude, be a team player, ask lots of questions, and bring new ideas to the table!
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