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Train-the-Trainer™ Courses

In order to enroll in a Train-the-Trainer course, interested instructors must have taken the course they wish to teach: CIG or CIH, and already be a Certified Interpretive Trainer™ (CIT™) with NAI. For more information on CIT prerequisites visit the CIT page.

CIG Train-the-Trainer

The Certified Interpretive Guide Train-the-Trainer™ course is a five-day course, which covers essentials for teaching the CIG curriculum as well as NAI’s policies and procedures. Upon successfully completing the course and its prerequisites, you will be sanctioned to teach the CIG curriculum.

Participants earn 40 hours of continuing education

Learn more about the CIG Train-the-Trainer

CIH Train-the-Trainer

The Certified Interpretive Host Train-the-Trainer™ is a four-day course, which covers the essentials for teaching the CIH curriculum as well as NAI’s policies and procedures. Upon successfully completing the course and its prerequisites, you will be sanctioned to teach the CIH curriculum.

If you are already a CIG Trainer you have the option to attend a two-day course to learn how to teach the CIH curriculum.

Participants earn 32 hours of continuing education for the four-day course and 16 hours of continuing education for the two-day course.

Learn more about the CIH Train-the-Trainer
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