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Purchase of webinar recordings are non-refundable and non-transferable. Only the account where the digital content is purchased will be able to access the item.

Individual membership required for member rates to apply.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Webinar Recordings

Beyond the ADA
AJ Chlebnik
60 minutes
CE: 1
Date: September 28, 2023
Webinar Recording

Many nature spaces are not fully available to people with disabilities. This is true even for spaces that follow the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The City of Fort Collins Natural Areas has co-developed a tool with community members with disabilities to assess and improve access that goes beyond the requirements of the ADA. Learn how to use this tool, and others, to improve the accessibility of your site and signage for a variety of audiences!
Non-member price: $10.00
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RECquity: Front-Line Interpreters Session
Karen Houston
60 minutes
CE: 1
Date: May 23, 2023
Webinar Recording

RECquity is found at the intersection of recreation and equitable access for all visitors of interpretive sites and programs, regardless of how they experience the world. This webinar provides a basic introduction into they diverse and dynamic world of disability, with a focus on how front-line interpreters can provide meaningful and equitable experiences for members of the disability community.
Non-member price: $35.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $10.00
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Tribal Engagement In Tours and Interpretation
Owen Oliver
90 Minutes
CE: 1.5
Date: March 28, 2023
Webinar Recording

Want to learn how to respectfully include tribal nations into your tours and various points of interpretation? This webinar will focus on why tribal engagement is important and how you can begin to start reaching out. You will also learn appropriate language and protocols when engaging with tribes. This webinar builds upon past sessions around Land Acknowledgements and Identifying Place.
Non-member price: $40.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $15.00
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Discovering and Identifying Place from an Indigenous Lens
Owen Oliver
60 minutes
CE: 1
Date: September 20, 2022
Webinar Recording

During this session we will work forward to open up a conversation on place. Place is a crucial element to identify and discuss while providing tours and interpretation. In this webinar, you will understand how Indigenous people view place and how knowledge systems and teachings come from place. If you are interested in learning more about Indigenous people and how to become a better ally, this is a great webinar for you.
Non-member price: $35.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $10.00
WEB092022REC9/20/2022 12:00:00 AM
Land Acknowledgements and Beyond
Owen Oliver
60 minutes
CE: 1
Date: May 3, 2022
Webinar Recording

This webinar discusses the importance of land acknowledgements while doing community work and giving tours. In our time together, we will dive deep into the history and importance of land acknowledgements while ensuring the future steps to ensure Indigenous voices are present and activated. Participants will be able to walk away with understanding their roles and responsibilities in giving land acknowledgements as well as the tools to craft their own.
Non-member price: $35.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $10.00
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Shifting the Spectrum for Adaptive Events
Kelley Brugmann
75 minutes
CE: 1.5
Date: March 29, 2022
Webinar Recording

Simple adaptive changes to an event creates an inviting and safe space for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Hear how "Silent Night," an adaptive holiday event, was highly successful and discover how you can easily adapt your events to create an inclusive opportunity for all.
Non-member price: $40.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $15.00
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Nuts and Bolts of Accessibility in Remote Interpretation
Melanie Thornton
90 minutes
CE: 1.5
Date: March 24, 2021
Webinar Recording

Choosing the right tools as you plan your programming is key. We’ll focus on which technology and social media platforms provide the most accessible options for sharing your content and how to choose features that help you avoid creating barriers to access.
Non-member price: $40.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $15.00
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Virtually Accessible: Universal Design in Remote Interp.
Melanie Thornton
90 minutes
CE: 1.5
Date: March 22, 2021
Webinar Recording

Universal design principles support designers in creating more usable and equitable programs and experiences. In this webinar, we’ll look at universal design principles and explore how they can inform your virtual interpretation activities and resources.
Non-member price: $40.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $15.00
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The Future Is Queer: Practices In Queering Interpretation
Casey Bries
60 minutes
CE: 1
Date: January 7, 2020
Webinar Recording

In this session, participants will examine privilege as it pertains to interpretive planning and programming. Participants will reflect on individual and organizational practices and develop strategies for engaging a diverse and meaningful audience.
Non-member price: $40.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $15.00
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Purchase of webinar recordings and ebooks are non-refundable and non-transferable. Only the account where the digital item is purchased will be able to access the item.

Individual membership required for member rates to apply.

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