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Purchase of webinar recordings are non-refundable and non-transferable. Only the account where the digital content is purchased will be able to access the item.

Individual membership required for member rates to apply.

Leadership & Management Webinar Recordings

Picture of the product
Volunteer Program Management, part 3
Trouble Shooting and Avoiding Problems
Karin Hostetter
2 hours
CE: 2
Date: September 12, 2024
Webinar Recording

No matter how well thought out and responsive a volunteer program is designed, challenges crop up. This session investigates firing volunteers, navigating change, solving problems, managing liability, and structuring programs. How up-to-date is your volunteer handbook? Bring challenges from your own volunteer program and we will look at what might be changed structurally to give better results.
Non-member price: $45.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $20.00
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Volunteer Program Management, part 2
Keeping Volunteers
Karin Hostetter
2 hours
CE: 2
Date: August 8, 2024
Webinar Recording

Keeping volunteers engaged and happy takes work. This session focuses on training, recognition, and evaluation of volunteers. Why do volunteers give their time? What are they looking for in return? Matching volunteer wants with organization deliverables makes all the difference in whether a volunteer sticks around or looks for another place to offer time and expertise.
Non-member price: $45.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $20.00
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Volunteer Program Management, part 1
Attracting and Selecting the Right Volunteer
Karin Hostetter
2 hours
CE: 2
Date: July 11, 2024
Webinar Recording

Volunteers are the backbone to many of our organizations. They accomplish huge amounts of work and save us thousands of dollars in wages. But how do you get the right volunteer for the job? This session explores writing job descriptions, marketing the job, and interviewing prospective volunteers. You will leave with forms, ideas, and questions to get you started right away. Even if you already have a volunteer program, these tips will help you make the right match of volunteer and task.
Non-member price: $45.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $20.00
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RECquity: Managers Session
Karen Houston
60 minutes
CE: 1
Date: May 17, 2023
Webinar Recording

RECquity is found at the intersection of recreation and equitable access for all visitors of interpretive sites and programs, regardless of how they experience the world. This webinar provides a basic introduction into they diverse and dynamic world of disability, with a focus on how management can support staff to provide meaningful and equitable experiences for members of the disability community.
Non-member price: $35.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $10.00
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Inspiring Interpreters to Change
Dr. Jacquie Gilson
90 minutes
CE: 1.5
Date: June 14, 2022
Webinar Recording

What do you do if you’re excited to offer audience-centered, participatory, and dialogic interpretation at your site, but your staff and volunteers are lukewarm about changing? Jacquie will share how she got buy in from her staff to try new techniques. We’ll look at how change models can help and share ideas.
Non-member price: $40.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $15.00
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Keeping Volunteers Engaged During Covid-19
Melissa Fowlks
60 minutes
CE: 1
Date: April 13, 2021
Webinar Recording

Volunteers are the heart of many organizations. Join East Bay Regional Parks Naturalist Melissa Fowlks as she shares about how docent coordinators have kept docents involved and engaged throughout the pandemic. Come with questions and be prepared to share glows and grows from your organization's volunteer and docent programs.
Non-member price: $35.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $10.00
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Creating Multilevels within your Volunteer Corps
Jane Silberstein, Pamela Byrnes and Simone Mortan
90 minutes
CE: 1.5
Date: January 19, 2021
Webinar Recording

Volunteer trainers with over 70 years of combined experience will show you how to create ladders of opportunities, increase your capacity and vitalize your volunteer programs within the lens of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs within your programs.
Non-member price: $40.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $15.00
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NAI Swag

Purchase of webinar recordings and ebooks are non-refundable and non-transferable. Only the account where the digital item is purchased will be able to access the item.

Individual membership required for member rates to apply.

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NAI is proud to use recycled packing materials when possible. Much of the materials you'll find in your box (and sometimes the box itself) have been reused from items shipped to our office or our staff members homes. 

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